It’s time in our life to make a change. I always tell myself that change is good. My wife has decided to retire from full time service. Since our home in Norwich NY is tied to her full time employment, we need to move. We have purchased a home in Millsboro, Delaware. I will remain open in my Norwich NY office until end of May 2025. I have recieved a Delaware massage license and will be working occasionally in Delaware after June 2025 with occasional home visits and outcall hotel massages. More details on Delaware to come later. The hard part of this is leaving all the amazing massage customers in Norwich and the amazing ladies at Bella Bella Salon. But, its time for change. thanks!
Price Changes
Everything costs more! I hate to do it, but I need to increase prices effective July 29, 2024. The new prices will be $85 for 60 minutes and $110 for 90 minutes. Two hour massages available, contact me for more information. Also, cash discounts available, ask me about how you can save money with cash payments.
Massage can help stress
Reminder, massage is a great way to combat life and work stress. If stress is a cause of your tension and pain, tell me your stress level and I will work with you to determine the best treatment. Before becoming a massage therapist, I was a great massage customer. Massage helped me get through a stressful career, aging parents, raising teenagers, and much more in my past. I know what stress feels like and I know when massage helps. Give massage a try.
Massage can help defeat winter blues
It’s a real thing. Some people, including myself, have difficulty with the darkness we experience in the North in the winter. Less daylight and less sunshine. But, the good news, is massage can help. Massage can help our body relax and defend off those feelings of being down due to the lack of sunshine. Try a massage and see if it helps you like it did me for the past several years.
Fall is the time to continue healthy habits
I don’t know about you, but I love the nice sunny days of summer and I tend to be active outside. As Fall approaches don’t forget to continue those healthy summer habits, and get outdoors and enjoy the world. And then, schedule a massage to keep your body loose and feel good!
Summer Health
Summer is here finally. Opportunities for outdoor activities are plentiful. We come out of our homes here in upstate NY and enjoy the sunshine. Don’t forget though to take care of your self amongst all the activity. A massage can help you stay healthy and enjoy more outdoor activities.
Holiday gift certificates are available now through December 25. All gift certificates save 410 off any massage.
Massage is the perfect holiday gift - buy yours today.
Click here for purchase an online gift certificate, or visit me at 6370 County Road 32, Norwich NY to purchase a paper gift certificate or email me at
It has been a great summer. Nice weather, lots of activities to keep us busy. As Fall approaches in Central New York, let’s not forget to do the tasks that keep us healthy. Massage is a service that might help. Talk to me about how you are feeling physically and mentally and I will create a treatment plan to help. My new offering called Myofascial Release is a new technique I trained for in 2022, that provides a unique way to help with body tightness and overall stress. Ask me how Myofascial release can help! I will integrate a few Myofascial release techniques into your massage plan - just ask me about it!
Myofascial release can be an effective way to release difficult areas of pain and tension. I recently attended a myofascial release class ( The technique involves a different approach to reelase, stretching the fascial layer in the body to allow other layers in your body to heal. Myofascial techniques can be a good way to help migraine pain providing a different way to stretch out the areas of the body that cause migraines. Ask me more about myofascial release and we can discuss if its appropriate for you!
Get Ready for Spring!
I don’t know about anyone else, but I am surely looking forward to the arrival of Spring in Upstate NY. Its been a long cold winter, and winter is not quite gone yet. The sunshine is warmer which gives us the promise of Spring’s arrival. As we consider our spring projects outside, don’t forget to take care of your body. Massage is a good way to keep ourselves healthy so we can enjoy the outdoors and stay active. Consider booking a massage now and get ready for Spring!
Shop Online this year! Buy your customized gift certificate online and print or email at home. Save $10! Simply follow this link: 2021 Holiday Gift Certificates
I am pleased to announce that gift cards are now available for purchase in my office. I have several designs to chose from. Please contact me for more information. Gift cards can be purchased in any denomination you want! If a custom gift card design is needed, I also support eGift cards by using this link:
Gift cards are great way to honor someone on a special day. Or, simply reward yourself with a gift card for a future date!
I am pleased to announce that I am now enabled for my Norwich location to provide massage for veterans through VA Community Care. All that is needed is a referral number from VA Community Care. If under the care of VA for health needs, contact your case contact and check if massage is available for conditions being treated.
Its Almost July 1
It’s almost July 1 and I am about to start at my new office at 6370 County Road 32 in Norwich NY! I can’t wait to start in my lovely new office, fully decorated and ready to go. Sarah Hunter and Kaila Lucero have been the best land ladies and have helped me greatly getting ready to open. Book your appointment now on this website or call/text me 585-721-7237 or email
On to Norwich!
As I announced earlier, I am moving this month to Norwich NY. Why are we moving to Norwich? My wife enters the next chapter in her career as she has been assigned as Pastor to the Broad St United Methodist Church in Norwich effective July 1, 2021. We are leaving the church parsonage in Moravia on June 22, and move into the Parsonage at 9 Wales Drive in Norwich on June 23.
I am so thrilled to be part of the Bella Bella Salon and Suites team effective July 1, 2021. Stay tuned to this blog as I announce more plans for my massage offerings in Norwich. Online booking is available by selecting the NORWICH button on https:/ home page. Booking is also available by calling or texting me at 585-721-7237 or email
I look forward to seeing everyone in Norwich!
MAY 30, 2021
I am sad to report that my last day at 72 South St Auburn NY will be Friday June 18, 2021. Effective July 1, my new location will be 6370 County Road 32, Norwich NY 13815. My wife’s employment has changed from Moravia to Norwich, and Auburn is simply too far to drive from Norwich everyday. My time in Auburn was simply amazing and I will miss everyone. I hope to see many of you in Norwich but I realize Norwich is a long drive from Auburn. Whatever you do, please keep massage as part of your wellness program!
February 17 Update
Today I received Covid Vaccine #2 at the NYS vaccine site in Johnson City. The process was very easy (after the stress of booking an appointment on the website!). The people at the vaccine site were very friendly and the process was highly organized. Very impressive. I had zero side affects from vaccine #1 and hope the same is true for vaccine #2. I sincerely hope the vaccine process will help us some sense of the new normal in our lives. I look forward to seeing everyone soon.
JANUARY 2021 Update
We are now well into the winter season, and January is more than half gone. I was able to take some time away from Central New York earlier this month for simple rest, rejuvenation, and simple isolation. It felt great to simply remove myself from all the stresses of our world in the midst of covid and political strife. Its important to give our body the time it needs to rest and recover. I returned from South Carolina on January 15, and was Covid tested on January 19. Test result was negative. I will continue to stay in quarantine for the state recommended 10 days. My next day back in the office will be Tues Jan 26. I am still trying to find a time slot to receive the Covid vaccine. I look forward to returning to the massage office the end of the month.
I have a slight change in working hours going forward. My days in the office will be Tuesday, Thursday, Friday PM, and Saturday AM. Other times are available either as home visits or when available. Please feel free to reach out to me if scheduling online provides challenges or looking for a time that is not available with the online calendar.
I look forward to seeing everyone soon!