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Yes, it's summer!

I love the summer. So many things to do outside. My garden is flourishing. Hiking opportunities are many, especially in Eastern Finger Lakes. Water activities abound. But, don't forget to take care of your body. Take a timeout and get a massage. Allow your body to relax and recover. À brief timeout from summer is ok. Please enjoy the summer and stay safe.

Yes, I am Open!

Summer is here and its time to relax and enjoy. With nice weather in central NY why go inside and receive a massage? Its a great time to exercise but lets not forget self care. Massage can help those sore muscles from biking or hiking or running or swimming. Massage can help us take a break from the stress of Covid-19 in the news. Schedule your massage today. Watch my facebook/instagram page or for articles and pictures on how massage can help you today.

June 12 - Reopening Today!

Seems so strange to be writing this today. After 12 weeks, I am allowed to open starting today! My website contains all the office policy changes. Its been a rustrating journey these 12 weeks, as I realize how much I love my work. Being able to not work has allowed me to explore all the hiking trails (multiple times for many trails!) in southern Cayuga County! Please continue to check for updated information on re-opening chages and rules. Let’s do our part to control the spread, and keep my office as safe as possible. I look forward to seeing everyone soon.

Massage Therapy target in New York is Phase 3

Details are still being developed, but it looks like Massage Re-opening is targeted for NY Phase 3. The earliest date is Friday June 12, 2020 but it depends on when the announcement is made. Stay tuned at my website for details. There will be new office policies. The policies are still being developed so please stay tuned to the website for more details. Any questions please feel free to call or text or email me. I look forward to seeing everyone again!

Covid-19 Restrictions Continue

I am writing today a frustrated massage therapist. I am thankful for being safe and healthy. All of my family is safe and healthy also. I hope all clients are safe and healthy. I also want to get back to work, providing massage service to help those in physical and mental pain. But I can’t. New York state has combined Massage with Hair Salons in their categorization and specifically have said that Massage is not allowed in the New York Phase 2 re-opening. I am disappointed. But because I am New York state licensed, I must follow New York state rules and not jeopardize my NY license. Will re-opening for me happen in 2 more weeks or longer? I have no way of knowing; its out of my control. I appreciate everyone’s understanding. I hope I see everyone soon.

Re-opening Update

According to the New York State re-opening plan and the status of Covid19 in Cayuga County, it looks massage businesses MAY be allowed to open in Phase 2 which is targeted for June 1, 2020. This is still preliminary so check back for more information as it comes available.

Post Covid-19 office Changes April 30, 2020

As of now, I am not sure when I can re-open my office based on New York state guidelines. The ban for non-essential services remains in place until May 15, 2020. I do not know if I can re-open May 15 or I need to wait longer. In the meantime, if you click on the main menu bar Post Covid-19 you will see a description of proposed office changes. Its an ever-changing world and I will do what I can to make the massage office safer. I can not 100% guarantee safety from Covid-19, but I promise to do what I can to reduce the risk. Thank you for understanding.

This will be a Week like no Other

The title of a sermon at church this holy week was "This will be the week like no other".  Isn't this true?  Who would have thought a mere few weeks ago that I would not be able to offer massage to clients?  Who would have thought all schools and public buildings would be closed? Who would have thought that simple things like going to the grocery store would be challenging?
As we move past this weekend looking into the future, I can't be sure when massage businesses will re-open.  I personally still have my calendar open in May but as the days goes by May becomes more and more unlikely.  Even though I can't see you all professionally, please know that I think of you all often.  I will re open as soon as I am allowed and is safe.
But, today on this holy holiday, I simply want to wish everyone health and safety!
See you all soon!  (Yes, it will happen eventually)


Covid-19 Update

COVID-19 is impacting small businesses, including myself. Within New York State all non-essential businesses are to remain closed until April 29.  Yes, of course, I as well as all massage therapist should remain closed as we are non-essential in the big picture of everything.  I have updated my calendar to reflect April closure and my calendar for May is open for advance bookings.  The future is uncertain, but for now, this is the guidance.  I remain home in Moravia trying to stay busy and current.  I hope you are all well.  In the meantime, if you want to help,  leave a positive review if you haven’t already! Positive reviews are a big deal to business owners and will be much appreciated.

Here is a link where you can leave me a review (copy and paste into your browser)

Thank you in advance for your support!

Massage Business Update

LIfe has brought all of us into a state of uncertainty for our health and safety.  The massage industry has particularly been affected, especially in New York state, as the Governor has announced that only essential businesses be open.  Massage is non-essential in New York's definition.  When I can re-open for business is uncertain.  Our safety is of the utmost priority.

For the short term, I am closed until at least April 20th.  What happens after April 20th, I have no idea.  My on-line calendar remains open for the month of May and you may schedule appointments in May and beyond if you wish.  I simply cannot guarantee what will happen next.  Stay tuned and I will be updating everyone on my business status.  I still plan on posting articles and information about massage on Facebook and Instagram and Google MyBusiness as well as

I appreciate everyone's business and I think about you all often.  I am passionate about my massage career and I am grieving not being able to do what I love.  Some way and someday will be be over this crisis and I can see you again.  In the meantime, please stay well and healthy.  I miss everyone!

To Accept No-Fault insurance claims or Not for massage therapy?

There is much discussion in the massage provider community on the acceptance of no-fault insurance for massage services. I have decided that I am going to start accepting no-fault cases. I will need the name and contact information of the insurance provider, claim number, prescription from medical professional for starters. The massage provided for the insurance claim can only address the injured area, so there are limitations to what I can do. I can only treat the injured areas as specified by the medical prescription, so make sure the prescription is correct. Any questions, please call or text me at 585-721-7237 or email I will do my best to work with the insurance companies to provide the therapy needed.

Concierge Massage

Available now in Skaneateles, Ithaca, Cortland, Auburn NY! Concierge massage brings the massage to your location. I will bring the massage table, clean linens, relaxation music, oils/cremes - you provide the environment. This is perfect for vacation homes, “staycations”, businesses. This option is great for anyone who simply does not want to leave their home, but needs a massage for theapeutic reasons. Concierge massage is available for a small $10 up-charge to normal massage services.

Moving to Auburn!

After living in Monroe County NY for many years, I have moved to Cayuga County. I will be sadly leaving my massage office in Rochester NY and opening a new office at 72 South St Auburn, NY 13021. Our new home is just too far to maintain the Rochester office, especially in Upstate NY winters, so a move was necessary. As I arrive in Auburn, I am sad about leaving behind the Rochester office, but am excited about living and working in the Eastern Finger Lakes and Central New York State. On to our new adventure!

Second career massage therapist

After more than 20 years of working in high-tech fast-moving technology industry, I decided to go back to school for massage therapy. I am currently licensed in New York State. While in my high-tech job, I was a massage customer. Massage became a necessity. I am constantly looking at my new massage business to understand how my experiences in industry can help. I would love to hear if anyone else has had similar past and experiences, and how their first career has helped them in their second careers.